The AMPEST Difference

Protection from invading Insects when YOU need it!

Spring - Summer - Fall | Year - Round - Guarantee

Inside service FREE upon request

ampest difference

Protect your home from crawling insects - including ants!

Give yourself Peace of Mind with an Ampest protection plan!

What’s the size of your home?


As Summer quickly turns to Fall pests are looking to invade your home.

Fall temperatures mean pests are looking for a warm shelter and they want to make your house their home.

Keep them out with Ampest!

Stick Bugs

Year Round Protection Plan Options: 


For Homes Up to 3,000 Sq. Ft.

  • 3 Exterior Foundation Power Sprays
  • 1 Initial Interior Treatment
  • 2 Stinging Insect Sprays
  • Year Round Protection

Includes protection from stinging/ flying insects

Excludes German Cockroaches, human parasites and wood destroying organisms.


For Homes Up to 3,000 Sq. Ft.

  • 3 Exterior Foundation Power Sprays
  • 1 Initial Interior Treatment
  • Year Round Protection

Excludes German Cockroaches, human parasites and wood destroying organisms.


2 Sprays: 1 Spring, 1 Fall for $325 Exterior Only. Save $25 when bundling.

60 Day Guarantee

1 X Spring or Fall Protection Service


For Homes Up to 3,000 Sq. Ft.

Individual Exterior
Spray Only


Offer valid through October 31, 2023 | Service Carries a 60-Day Guarantee
Service After 60-Day Guarantee will be at regular price.

Excludes: Flying or stinging insects, German Cockroaches,
Human Parasites, and Wood Destroying Organisms

Over 3,000 Sq. Ft.

Year Round Protection Plan Options: 


For Homes Over 3,000 Sq. Ft.

  • 3 Exterior Foundation Power Sprays
  • 1 Initial Interior Treatment
  • 2 Stinging Insect Sprays
  • Year Round Protection

Includes protection from stinging/ flying insects

Excludes German Cockroaches, human parasites and wood destroying organisms.


For Homes Over 3,000 Sq. Ft.

  • 3 Exterior Foundation Power Sprays
  • 1 Initial Interior Treatment
  • Year Round Protection
Does not include (1)

Excludes German Cockroaches, human parasites and wood destroying organisms.


2 Sprays: 1 Spring, 1 Fall for $450 Exterior Only. Save $50 when bundling.

60 Day Guarantee

1 X Spring or Fall Protection Service


For Homes Over 3,000 Sq. Ft.

Individual Exterior
Spray Only


Offer valid through October 31, 2023 | Service Carries a 60-Day Guarantee
Service After 60-Day Guarantee will be at regular price.

Excludes: Flying or stinging insects, German Cockroaches,
Human Parasites, and Wood Destroying Organisms

Seasonal and Ultimate Protection Plan Service carries Year Round Guarantee with a 12 month agreement.
All Plans Exclude: German Cockroaches, Human Parasites and Wood Destroying Organisms


Enjoy Your Home

You deserve to be protected. Keep your home pest free with a power spray solution from Ampest Exterminating. Ampest is excited to offer, for the first time in the 2022 season, the ultimate protection plan for your home.

This ultimate protection plan includes three exterior sprays (one each) in the spring, summer, and the fall, 1 interior treatment in the spring and 2 stinging insect sprays, one in the summer and one in the fall, to keep stinging insects away. This plan comes with a year-round guarantee. Others may try to sell you a quarterly service, but in the Chicagoland area, there's typically no need for pest treatment in the late fall and winter months. That's why we're giving you what you need and not what is convenient for quarterly pricing. The reason we are offering the year-round protection guarantee is because we are so confident in this solution.

Power spray
Power spray

If the ultimate protection plan doesn't seem like a good fit for your current needs or current budget, we offer the seasonal protection plan. With the seasonal protection plan, you get 3 exterior sprays (spring, summer and fall). With the seasonal protection plan, you get 1 interior treatment in the spring and that comes with a year-round guarantee. Again, no need to spray in the late fall or winter months in the Chicagoland area.

Not interested in a full season package or seasonal protection? Another option is our individual exterior spray. You do not however receive our year-round guarantee with the individual spray. For the best protection and our year round guarantee, check out our seasonal protection plan or ultimate protection plan.

What are we protecting you from? We protect you from any creeping, crawling insects. In the spring, that's typically ants, in the summer and fall it's ants, stink bugs, ladybugs, spiders, beetles or other pests that can enter your home. With that ultimate protection plan, we’re also protecting you from stinging insects like wasps, bees, and hornets.

For the best value and best savings, we highly suggest the ultimate protection plan to give you year-round protection from all the creepy crawlies and flying/stinging insects. Whichever option you choose, Ampest Exterminating and Wildlife Control will be happy to serve you!

Please fill out our form below or call our office and we will gladly set you up with one of our great treatment options for 2023!

Power spray
Power spray


In Season April - October

Complete Annual Protection

Best Value!

Includes protection from stinging/ flying insects

Excludes German Cockroaches, human parasites and wood destroying organisms.

Power Spray Order Form